Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I don't know of thats thr correct spelling but wateverrr... Neway i actually wanted to blog yesterday but i was too freaking tired. Its amazing how too much thinking can tire u out easily... I wish thinking could burns calories as well. Then i like to think all the time.
So yesterday was quite an extraordinary day. First my expats colleague immitating my friend who was talking with her mouth full leaving us dumbfounded. When he realised that we stopped talking he then said "I m sorry... I just can't help it. It sounds funny..." I laughed at my friend. I am amazed that I can actually understand her with her mouth full.
Then I had an interview sessions with all my high school mates back in PJN. Apparently, BT would like to make a scoop about Science Class in KB n we were like the first intake for that.
At first it was quite apalling, but after that it was just plain so so.
I am quite disappointed really... Initially I tawt that the intetview was something like what we have been doing so far... Success stories... What were the good memories we can remember in the school.. Things like that. But it was the way around~
I may not a journalist but I am a bit curious... Shouldn't a journalist atleast be a lil bit prepared on the scoop he is planning to do? I am quite apalled actually on the first question he asked us 'what exactly is science class?' ehhh watttt???
I mean u would like to make a stoy about science class, shouldn't you atleast know this bit?? Not making sense i tell you. Its like attending a function without knowing what the fuction is about!!!
And what i am not happy with... He seems to be listening to only one person. Bless him for being able to answer all those questions... For me, I just don't see the relevant of asking that question to us, like why make a science class in KB, why choose this school, what's so special with this class??
How the eff should we know this stuff. All i know is, its high school !!! I come to learn new stuff... Make new friends. Isn't that what a child supposed to feel???? Wouldn't it be better to ask these questions to the person who started this off????
And it doesn't help that I feel the current management feels that now is better than our years!!! Of course it should be!!! That's what we would like to see... Improvements!!! But then, don't you hink because the foundation is there, thats y it is achieved? And don't you think because of Science Class, everyhing is much better???
So now i wonder what the outcome would be. I think it is much better if those questions were asked to our principal at that time.
Right i think that is long enough.... Until next time

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